Mathias Poulsen

Play Activist & Researcher @ Designskolen Kolding

Category: PhD Defence

  • PhD defence materials

    PhD defence materials

    On April 9th 2024, I had my PhD ‘defence’ (which I insisted was not actually a defence, but more like a ‘campfire conversation’), where I presented my PhD project, ‘The Junk Playground as Agora: Designing for Playful Democratic Frictions’, to the committee and all the lovely people in the room. It was an intense, but…

  • After the PhD Defence

    After the PhD Defence

    Wow. These days, after my defence-not-a-defence on April 9th, Iā€™m exhausted, hardly hanging together, but also deeply, profoundly grateful. Grateful for the opportunity to pursue this wild, unpredictable passion project; grateful for the generous support along the way; grateful for the careful reading by the committee, and not least grateful for all the incredible people…