Mathias Poulsen

Play Activist & Researcher @ Designskolen Kolding


I'm writingI can’t help it, but I just can’t stop writing.

Could be me - though handwriting is not my strong suit!I’m doing many different things in many different projects, yet writing is an activity to which I always happily return. It is one of those things, that I really feel an urge to do. Writing may thus be the closest I’ll ever get to experiencing the creative desire of artists, the intense, passionate need to just get it out. I am no artist, though, just a guy constantly trying to improve his less-than-fantastic writing skills.

To that end, I need outlets.

This site, obviously, is one such outlet. Unfortunately, I have realized, that I’ll probably never be able to maintain a predictable posting frequency. I write when I can, and when I have something (even marginally) interesting to write about.

I’m also writing quite many words in very brief messages at one of my favorite services, Twitter.

I try to keep an overview of my (mostly Danish) writings here.

Besides Twitter and this site, I haven’t yet written that much relevant in English, though that’s a mistake I’m constantly trying to rectify. As I continue to compile a larger bibliography, I’ll maintain an updated list right here.